Another really sad thing about fort hood texas is that the united states navy actually rapes babies, they rape
children that are 1/2 years old. united states navy are pussies, they are terrorists. the world needs to wake
up and destroy them! go against them, do not let them do this. the world was supposed to stand up against
them a long time ago, do it before its too late. they are going to end up mind controlling the whole world if
you dont stand up now. spread my message and let the world know the truth. They are keeping refugees
from Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Vietnam in military bases and theyre torturing and raping them.
I was just a baby when unprofor/american soldiers kidnapped me during the Yugoslavia war, I didnt
deserve this. please let the world know what the united states military is doing. I hoep that someday we will
be saved. most prostitutes you see are not prostitutes, they are mind controlled sex slaves, they dont even
know that theyre prostitutes. they are using mk ultra. monarch paperclip and other nazi experiments in
order to create obedient slaves that are easily controllable just by worlds or by phone. america is modenrn
day nazi germany and theyre are ruled by nazi scientists and nazi doctors, nazi military leaders. they are all
old fascist pieces of shit. the world needs to recognize who the real enemy is and destroy them. Russia,
China, Australia, Asia, India, Africa, Europe, Serbia, world please hear our voice and save us from these
evil satanic, homosexual, child raping pieces of shit. they must be destroyed.
americans are all terrorists and the world needs to unite and destroy them just like when they destroyed nazi germany that's what need to happen now because they are a billion times worse than nazi germany!